Chad Vs Mammon I

Cain glared down as the rain fell behind his back, 'What is his deal…' He thought about why Mammon got considerably weaker than before. Yet after just a few moments, he realized it. the magic of the layer is slowly going to Alice.

"Hell Layers give power to those who share its characteristics the most." Avernus has a lot of elements rampaging, those it is ruled by Tiamat the multi-colored dragon. The Second layer is filled with molten Iron this was ruled by Dispater who can command Iron.

Alice stared at Cain talking to himself with a surprised face. "Cain, are you okay?" She asked with a worried face. Gently patting his back.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Cain replied with a smile and shifted back to his human form. He looked down toward Mammon and then looked at Alice. "See this whole layer? What do you feel?"

Alice looked around her, sensing the flow of curses in the layer. "It is, filled with rot, poison, and vile pollution."