Chad VS The dragons

Sylph disappeared with Chad, Ariel, and Evelyn just before Cain started rampaging. The next moment Chad opened his eyes, he found himself standing on the balcony of the elvish royal castle.

"Welcome to my land. I hope you find it fun." Sylph said with a smile.

"Found what fun? Your teleportation sucks compared to Cain's." He stared back at her, "Where are those dragons you're so worried about?"

"Can't you at least smile a bit?" Sylph sighed, "They are camping to the north. they will attack soon, so it's better to kill them before they approach the capital." Sylph explained with a smile.

Chad walked to the balcony and stared at the city, Evelyn and Ariel by his sides. "Are you ready to fight?" He asked, and the two smiled, their eyes gleaming with holy light.

"Are you asking the gods' killing machines if they are ready to kill? Don't you misunderstand our existence?" Evelyn said with a smile. Divine magic started rumbling on her skin.