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Glasya stared at Cain with a grin, "You didn't feed me for the entire time. I can't speak on an empty stomach." She replied.

Tip! Tap! Tip! Tap! Ellie approached her.

"What are you looking at?" Glasya growled, "I'm talking with Cain..." She froze in place, losing herself in Ellie's eyes.

Thud! Ellie grabbed Glasya by the head, glaring at her eyes so close that their noses touched. "Cain told you to speak,"

"He!" Glasya mocked her, "Even your master failed to resist my charm. What could you do?" Her eyes flashed pink, making everyone in the bath feel weird.

"You know?" Ellie mumbled, "Your blood is disgusting," Her nails grew, digging into Glasya's skull. "Your charm shall never work,"

Cain smiled, "Glasya, do you know how many people here are facing your charm?" He smiled, looking around.

A single person can be charmed by only one person at a time.

Glasya's charm is useless as long as the girls are charmed by someone else.