Gathering Seeds for the Kingdom.

Meliliana stared at her mother in shock, "What happened?"

Melissa turned toward Gracie, "Is it?"

"Yes, I promised you w have her, and here she is," Gracie said. She then looked at Cain, "Can you pull her out?"

With his eyes closed, Cain lifted his staff, "I don't think anyone would mind now," PING! His hand flashed as a red inscription appeared on Meliliana's back, "You can take her out safely,"

Melissa faced Cain, bowing deeply, "Thanks for giving my stupid daughter a second chance,"

"I wouldn't care less, thank Gracie." Cain turned toward the other cubus while Melissa thanked Gracie before taking Meliliana out.

"What did you do?" One of the cubus asked with a puzzled face.

"Freed her from hell," Cain replied, "That was a permanent summon spell,"

The cubus stared at each other, "You summoned her out?"