Summoning the Old dragons.

Cain sat on the couch after Bahamut left, squeezing between Sofia and Alice. "That was exhausting," He sighed.

"You should rest a bit," Sofia looked at Cain with a smile, glancing at Sara and Marina. Their problems need to wait.

"I can't rest just yet," Cain said, "I heard you talking earlier. We should start with the orcs," He looked at Sara, "But I don't believe smiting them is a good idea." He added.

Sara stared at him with a happy face, almost tearing up. "But why?"

"Depending on where they are, we could get other people mixed in." Cain looked at her, "The best solution is having your army reach them as quickly as possible."

"Then? Do you have any spells to get the army there in time?" Sara asked.

"They still have to travel a few days, and the entrance is in you're father's room, but I doubt they would mind." Cain smiled, "I have a teleport gate in Balto's quarter and one in Furberg. The army could use those to move quickly."

Sara nodded, "I will inform them immediately,"