Maids for the girls I

The dragons fell into the sea as Bahamut and Jorm stared at them, "Fools, can't you even sense Bahamut's aura? How could you miss a god's mighty existence?" Jorm sighed.

"Come on, I'm old and weak," Bahamut said, "I can't blame the young ones for not recognizing my aura. I'm worried more that they couldn't sense your power,"

"I'm not that strong to be known," Jorm replied, "I'm but a shard of my former self, weak and fragile,"

"I heard from Cain that Mammon was aiming to absorb your power," Bahamut smiled, "He at least knew the worth of a fragment of the world serpent. Do you know where are the other parts of you?"

Jorm combed his beard, "I fell through hell. I bet the other parts and in the lower layers,"

"Nessus? I guess that is the only place to look in," Bahamut said, and then looked at the sky, "The sun is weirdly hot today," He mumbled, seeing god rays pierce the sky.