Cain Vs Poseidon II

CLANG! CLANG! Cain rushed forward, deflecting Poseidon's slashes, smiling as he spun his blades, "Thanks to you, I can now try new tricks!"

"GIH!" Poseidon gasped, stepping back, "Don't fuck with me!" Swinging his arms, he sent hundreds of water slashes and spears toward Cain.

Cain stuck the two blades together, sheathing them at his waist and running forward with his head down. His skin turned dark, and his hair got longer. In an instant, Eilistraee was the one running. [Blade Dance: Lisworth's Lightning charge] Just from the aura, Poseidon could tell that two gods were moving Cain's body.

TING! Charging forward, running on her toes. Lightning engulfed Eilistraee's body as she got ready to unsheath her blade. CLAP! At that moment, she blasted like a mountain-sized lightning bolt.