Alice Vs Primos

Amaterasu stared at Gracie, keeping a safe distance, "You won't start rampaging, right?" she asked with a smile. Gracie replied with a passive face, "I will if Cain wants, but you're stronger than me. Why be afraid?"

"When the sun dies, it takes everyone with her." Amaterasu replied, "In the slim chance you managed to kill, or rebirth me, everyone would die." Amaterasu replied.

"Amaterasu, we should welcome her instead of being afraid," Selune, the moon goddess, approached them with a smile.

"We had Taiia as the only greater deity of rank 20." Moradin, the dwarf god, smiled, "But now we have another one, do we?"

Cain stood beside Moradin, smiling, "Taiia, the goddess of the Sun, moon, and destruction. And now we Have Gracie, the goddess of Life, death, rebirth, and lust."

Sofia smiled, puffing her chest, "Gracie is stronger! Instead of the power being distributed on different beings, she has all the portfolios."