Falling Order

Cain gasped, feeling his magic return after Lilia started helping. "What was that?" The girls gasped, seeing him bleed.

"It was my mother. She drew too much power in an instant," Cain replied, taking a deep breath.

Lilia approached them, "We can't waste more time. In all the fights you never beat me, and you won't anytime soon." She smiled, "Unless, I help you with something."

The girls started at Lilia as Cain asked, tilting his head, "What are you thinking of?"

"Those battles of the gods, we have to end them right away." Lilia smiled, "Can you eat me as you did to Morena and Eilistraee?"

"You would die," Cain warned her.

"I won't die. I would never mix with you and I can always separate to one of my clones." Lilia waved her hands.

"That's more than letting me enslave you," Cain glared at her, "You're throwing all your freedom. Do you understand that?"

"I know, I know. But I'm not throwing everything." Lilia smiled, "I can separate from you. Eat me so you can use my power."