The Party of the Gods

Cain and every one stood at the edge of the mountain cliff, looking down a stone gaping maw. "This cave extends down to the caverns where we can find the spiders and ores," Cain said.

"It isn't a regular cave. This is a vent hole built by the ancient dwarves. I can remember Dorlininious, Hadmin, Hoplpuff, and Jormanis digging it day and night." Moradin smiled, "May they rest in peace."

"You remember each dwarf?" Chad stared at Moradin. "Of course, I forged their bodies and souls on my forge." He touched the walls, "They are like my children. There is no way I can forget them."

They slowly walked into the cave, watching their steps as they heard water dripping in the distance.

Cain lifted his palm, [Light] He created six orbs of pure light to float over their heads. "It's not like we need light to see, but this could help."

It was true that all of them had [Dark vision].

"Say, Corellon." Moradin looked at the elf god. "Would it be a problem if I revived the cave?"