Cain Vs Death I

After feeding Selena to her full, Cain and she headed toward the shadow plans to find Gracie.

Thud! Selena stopped a valley before the forest, shifting back to her humanoid form. "Were close-nya. I can feel her magic oozing out-nya."

"Her magic, you say?" Cain looked at Selena with a worried face. "It's quite tained. She might have gotten too close to the death portfolio."

He looked toward the forest, seeing it burning in shadows that looked like a raging black flame. "An entrance to the shadow realm. The mirror image of the real world and where the evil beings of people live."

"It's where the shinigami kills people to end their life span-nya. If your evil side in the plan died, you would die in reality as well-nya." Selena looked at Cain, "In her life-nya, you reached death-nya, and she had to harvest your soul-nya." Her tail dropped, "That didn't sit well in her head-nya. She tried to get rid of the portfolio and drove herself weaker over time-nya."