Helio's bright sea blue eyes widened in shock as he pulled Loki into his arms right from the ground. He was in disbelieve and anxious of how a delicate man like Loki craves for trouble so often:

"What did you do?"

Loki smirked and nudged Helio away from him a little, they were too close to each other and he couldn't think straight with Helio close to him, he had to create a little space between them or he would start acting like a clingy cat with his owner. Feeling a little calm after moving away from Loki, he sighed and finally replied:

"I didn't have to do anything but I took the opportunity to help the three destinies to finally ascend. You may not understand what is about to get down but whatever I have done, it's for the good of Arian. He is a slow bloomer but with a fire like no other. and from what I see coming our way we need him"