Starting Rescue Plans

After the two of them were sure of the place they had just aimed for, Alex then opened a light blue circular portal, it appeared when Alex threw a light that looked like a ball in front of the two of them.

Alex and Tony Jumped into the portal that had been made by Alex, then when they both arrived Adam and Riko immediately approached them.

"You guys all right? what happened? Why did you two take so long!" Adam asked worriedly as they had just arrived at the house they had been living in after almost an hour.

"I'm sorry because I have a little reunion with my family!" Tony answered Adam while raising his eyebrows.

"Reunion?" asked Adam again who did not understand what Tony meant.

Finally Tony explained to Adam that he and Alex had gone to his hometown, which was very far from Rainbow City. And Tony also told Adam that he had found a very suitable place for shelter from the evacuation of the Rainbow City residents.