An Deep Conversation

A strong gust of wind made it difficult for Riko and Tony to stay in the air. The two of them swayed a bit, while on top of the flying shield made by Tony. Monitoring from a distance, making it a bit difficult for them to do reconnaissance. Today it was the duty of the two of them to be able to scout into the royal castles of the rulers.

How many times did Riko have to hold hands-on Tony's arm, because it felt like the weather today was not in their favor to do a reconnaissance. The sun also seemed reluctant to be able to peek at them, only a black cloud covered the area around them at this time.

They had been in the air for almost 30 minutes, with the same aim of seeing the movements of the rulers and their team, "Can we get closer to that?" Riko asked Tony, squinting his eyes trying to see more clearly what they were doing in the wide, somewhat closed field.