The Second Meeting (Flashback)



Time flies so fast that finally the library will be closed because it is already 20.45.

Adam seemed busy with the big book that was now in front of him because every night he had to add up how many people came to read, borrow and make library IDs.

"Hmmm, there are quite a lot of thirty people who come, four who borrow and three who make Id Cards. Because most of them are old customers who are already subscribed to reading here!"

Good because it's finished recording the attendance list and the blah-blah-blah. Finally, it's time to go home hehe.

Adam muttered while looking around the library to make sure that before closing the room must be clean.

Since everything was fixed, Adam immediately decided to close the library.

"It's exactly 9 p.m.!"

He said as he searched the key in his back pocket.

After turning the Open with Closed board, Adam immediately locked the door and rushed straight home.