Alex's Training

Author Note : Thank you NOBODY_BL for the many gift you gave... I am very lucky.


The Survivors painstakingly carry out the tasks assigned by Alex, they are trying to use their respective powers to be able to float in the air.

Even though it looks so impossible to them, if they want to do the impossible with their heart they can do it.

"Are you sure about the task you gave them?" Riko asked Alex while inviting him to sit on the edge of the training ground.

Alex just nodded his head answering what was asked by Riko, Alex himself had his technique for doing the training he gave this time.

"We will see later!" Says Alex in response to what Riko just said.

Their goal today is to do the exercises to prepare for something that might happen at any time.

Because something that can happen at any time is indeed difficult to predict unless Tony sees what will happen later.