[2 Not Interested]

[2 Not Interested]

A thick wallet was thrown at Yuexin. Subconsciously she raised her hand when the thing dashed towards her. In the next moment she found something in her grip.

The man in the car looked surprised, clearly not expecting her to catch the thing. Then, the surprise changed into disdain.

Mu Yuexin quickly regained her composure as she realised he had mistaken her reflex for acceptance of the money. She didn't want to give him the wrong idea.

He laughed knowingly and disdainfully. Right when he was going to leave, she threw it back at him and spoke loudly, "Keep your trash to yourself! Only God knows how many bacteria and weird things it has!"

"Weird things?" Ethan Han asked in a low voice. His pale lips curled into a sly smile as he looked at Mu Yuexin with an intense gaze.

Yuexin felt a shiver run down her spine and immediately she instinctively hugged herself.

'Pervert!' Instantly she gave him this label in her mind.

"Woman, I am not interested in flat pancakes." The man's voice rang in the air. When she looked at his face, she saw his eyes on her chest.

"You!" Yuexin's eyes trembled. To her, even if she wasn't curvy, she wasn't bad either!

"Am I wrong?" He smiled as he asked. Teasing her gave him a weird pleasant feeling and he liked it unknowingly.

"From next time, be careful when you drive on roads. I am a good person, that's why I am letting you off. You better not harm another soul! Humph!" Mu Yuexin said righteously. She refused to argue with such rich second, third, fourth, or nth generation kids.

However, to Mu Yuexin's surprise, the man didn't drive off. Instead, his gaze moved to her legs. Thinking something was wrong again, she looked down only for her eyes to fall on the slight bruise on her calf.

She hurriedly picked up her file, feeling a bit embarrassed. Right then, the man called out to her.

"You come here."


Yuexin responded hastily. She remembered that she was supposed to go to an interview right now, and in no way could she waste any more time here, or the potential job would be a lost opportunity!

The man chuckled as he noticed her rushing, as if she couldn't afford to waste any more time talking with him. He drove ahead and stopped beside her.

Mu Yuexin's eyes narrowed as she saw him following her. She was about to snap at him, but then something caught her off guard. She looked up and found that he had taken off his sunglasses. Once again, she was surprised to find that he had ocean blue eyes.

However, his perverted smile made her trance fly away.

Mu Yuexin snapped out of her trance and glared at him. "Don't follow me! Or I'll call the police!" she said, waving the phone in her hand.

"Go ahead." He cheekily replied.

Yuexin exhaled sharply. She checked the time and found out she was running late. If it continues like this, she will definitely miss her opportunity.

"Sir! Don't trouble me! I have an interview to attend!"

Ethan Han raised an eyebrow and asked curiously, "A job interview? What kind of job are you interviewing for?"

"It's none of your business," Mu Yuexin hesitated for a moment before replying coldly.

Ethan Han smirked. "Suit yourself. I wish you bad luck with your interview," he said before driving off.

"You! You!" Yuexin raised her hand to punch his window glass however he drove away. "Cough! Cough!..." The dirt and dust caused her a fit of coughing. Yuexin covered her mouth and left.

On the other hand, the man had transformed into a totally different person.

Trying to intentionally collide with his car during a green light, falling on the road and then lecturing him on top of it all while ignoring her injury… he felt she knew him and was just trying to get his attention. He couldn't be bothered to indulge her games.

'But I have to admit, she is quite a beauty,' he thought to himself as he put on his sunglasses and drove faster.

Ethan drove faster and faster, leaving a trail of messy wind behind. As he arrived at his destination, Han Corporation, Ethan Han got out of the car and parked it right in front of the entrance. He appeared to be completely unaware of the audacity of his parking.

The entrance guard bowed to him as he passed by, and Ethan made his way straight to the 10th floor. On the way, many people greeted him, but his cold demeanor remained unchanged.

Despite his cold and arrogant manner towards others, many female employees couldn't help but feel their hearts flutter at the mere sight of him. They saw him as the epitome of perfection, the man of their dreams.

Perfect looks, noble family and a wealthy heir… he was the prince charming of their dreams.

"Who is he?" a new employee inquired as he faced the overbearing attitude of the man while he passed by.

"He's the CEO's first son who arrived from overseas a few months ago!" a woman whispered, her eyes dreamy as she looked at Ethan Han's long legs.

The new employee noticed the woman's heated and lecherous gaze on the man and slowly stepped away.

The new employee wondered to himself, "What's wrong with women these days?"

Ethan Han pushed open the door and strode into the conference room. All eyes turned to him, and many were taken aback by his imposing presence.

Ignoring their reactions, he walked straight to the head of the table and took his seat.

"Let's begin," he motioned elegantly. However, the other attendees, both young and old, exchanged doubtful glances with each other.

Finally, one of them stood up and spoke, "Mr. Ethan, we cannot start the meeting without the CEO…"

"Start the meeting now," Ethan interrupted the man.


"He is busy feeding the villa's flies."