[7 Threat]

[7 Threat]

When Han Boyaung came back to the Han Residence after a long day of work, he was first taken aback by the weird glances the servants were giving him.

'Did Lu Mei throw another tantrum today?' With this thought, the exhausted man went to make his way to the second floor. However, halfway through, he froze.

A figure on the sofa was lounging with a lecherous posture. His legs were casually placed on the tea table, one crossed over the other.

A man whose face was very familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time… Han Boyaung's eyes trembled as he pointed at him.

'Eth… Ethan?!' He wondered in confusion. With doubt, he went to face him.

When the young man turned his blue eyes and smiled at him, Han Boyaung realised he was not hallucinating.

"Yo Father~" Ethan Han raised his hand and waved at him. Right after he became aizer and took in even more of a comfortable stance to stare at him.

Han Boyaung's face trembled in anger as he was enraged by Ethan Han's disrespectful behaviour. He looked back at the servants and shouted angrily, "Who allowed this scoundrel inside?!"

Scolded by Han Boyaung, Ethan remained unfazed. However, his eyes gleamed when he noticed a sneaky figure peeping at him from the second floor.

"I allowed him in." The sound of a cane hitting against the floor announced Han Erlang's arrival. With the assistance of his butler, he approached his son.

Han Boyaung expressed his displeasure with a lowered voice, "Father, why did you allow him to come here? Nothing ever goes right when he is around!"

Meanwhile, Ethan swiftly retracted his legs the moment he saw his grandfather. He got up and walked over to Han Erlang.

"Grandpa, can you walk by yourself? Let me assist you."

Han Boyaung was taken aback by Ethan's sudden change in demeanour and doubted whether he was the same person who was being disrespectful.

Han Erlang was delighted by his grandson's enthusiasm. He patted Ethan's hand and said, "I don't need help but, grandpa would not reject your good intentions."

Afterwards, ignoring the presence of Han Boyaung and others, they left the residence. As they walked away, Han Erlang glanced back and saw the enraged appearance of his son. He couldn't help but frown.

He could not believe that a father would be so reluctant to meet his own flesh and blood, not to mention it's been several years since they had met before.

But the old man did not know that his overwhelming fondness for his grandson was seen as a threat by his own son.

Ethan knew this thought of him and sneered . He turned around before leaving and looked at the second floor. As he had thought he saw the woman he hated with all his guts trying to hide there.

'I will take over the Han Corporation and everything you have snatched from me!' he mouthed and smirked.

Lu Mei slothed down on the floor as she realised what Ethan just said. Before she was never scared of him but the moment she saw him her heart drummed in fear. Then she recalled her big secret and her body trembled.

'No, he does not know. If he did, he would have already exposed me and Han Fan…' Lu Mei thought with panic.

Han Boyaung was unaware of the little confrontation between his wife and son. He looked up on the second floor and saw Lu Mei.

"Did you fall?!" Han Boyaung inquired anxiously and made his way towards his young wife.

"I… I am fine." Lu Mei slowly stood up from the floor with the help of her concerned husband. She glanced at the exit with uncertainty but did not let Han Boyaung know of her panic.

She was quite scared of this stepchild who was missing from her life for some good years. But his existence was always a great threat for her own child. She looked at Han Boyaung bitterly and whispered, "he's young and unruly. Don't be angry, husband."

"Don't mention him!" Han Boyaung stopped her with a look of annoyance.

When Han Yijun returned home from college that evening, he noticed that Lu Mei appeared to be restless and agitated. Concerned for his mother, he approached her and asked, "What's wrong, Mom? Are you feeling okay? Is your blood pressure high?"

"Not blood pressure, Yijun," Lu Mei corrected him and sat up straight, feeling uneasy. She looked at her son's always-smiling face and felt a headache coming on.

"Then what is it?" Han Yijun asked as he threw his bag onto his mother's bed.

"It's Ethan, he's back," Lu Mei muttered and let out a heavy sigh. Han Yijun's smile disappeared instantly and he rushed out of the room.

"Xiao Jun, don't make trouble!" Lu Mei hurriedly followed her son out of the building however when he entered the old man's residence, her father-in-law's villa, she had to stop in her steps.

Lu Mei felt bitter when she recalled that in the whole estate, this place was the only one where she was not allowed to enter.

"Big brother? Ah, there you are!" Han Yijun had a bright smile as he detected Ethan Han and saw him entering a room. "Is this your new temporary bedroom?"

Ethan had to stop when he heard his voice. With the same smile as Han Yijun, he walked in front of the kid who was shorter than him.

Ethan Han messed up Han Yijun's already messy hairstyle and turned it into a bird's nest. Han Yijun stepped back and glared at him.

"Who allowed you to touch my hair?! It took three hours to style them!" Han Yijun shouted as he hurriedly took out his phone and began to redo his hair with his fingers.

'They want this child to be the successor? I can already see the doomsday of the corporation!' Ethan Han thought mockingly as he turned to leave.

Han Yijun saw the smirk on his face and became angered by Ethan. Before Ethan could close the door on his face, Han Yijun grabbed the door, preventing him from closing it.

"Brother, do you know that father has removed you from our genealogy?"