30 Sold

30 Sold

When she walked before the entrance of the villa an old woman walked towards her.

"Follow me." She instructed Mu Yuexin and then walked back inside with a strict straight back.

Mu Yuexin followed her quietly and after crossing through many corridors finally they stopped in front of a wooden door. The old woman looked back and then coldly said, "Master Bo and sir Fan are inside."

After saying that, she stepped back and gave her way. Because of her cold attitude, Mu Yuexin felt uncomfortable.

As she stepped back Mu Yuexin saw an old man was smoking beside the window. The whole room looked a bit hazy because of this.

Mu Yuexin's eyes trembled when she saw the ashtray on a nearby desk. She felt she couldn't count how many sticks he had finished. At the same time, she was repulsed to stay in this room which could offer her a secondhand smoking session.

"Cough! Cough!"

Without her control, she suddenly coughed. The old man in a suit who was smoking beside the window seems to have finally realised someone had come inside the room.

He turned around and stared at Mu Yuexin. She stopped coughing but was frightened by the sheer redness in his eyes. He looked like someone ready to kill her.

'I have to escape!' Mu Yuexin thought as she stepped back but soon her back touched the frame of the door. She looked back in shock and saw the closed door.

'This! Is it some trap?!' Yuexin thought in fear.

However the man seemed to not have realised her predicament and walked towards the desk. Mu Yuexin hesitated but finally made up her mind to walk towards him

"Sir, I am Yuexin. Sir Fan called me to come for an interview." Mu Yuexin said and then tried to hold her breath. Hearing her voice a man from an adjacent room appeared.

As her and his eyes met, Secretary Fan smiled, "Miss Van is here."

"Sir Fan, good morning." Mu Yuexin greeted her. Han Boyaung looked at her face which relaxed at the appearance of Han Fan.

"Have a seat." Secretary Fan told her and motioned her to sit in front of Han Boyaung. Mu Yuexin sat down and when she looked up, she saw Han Boyaung examining her carefully.

She had a calm face as she faced him. The man nodded at Secretary Fan and the other person put an envelope in front of Mu Yuexin.

As Mu Yuexin took it, Secretary Fan stood beside Han Boyaung and said proudly, "Let me introduce to you. This man in front of you is the CEO of Han Corporation."

"..." The envelope that Mu Yuexin just picked dropped. She widened her eyes in shock and hastily stood. Afterwards, she bowed to the old man and said with the utmost respect, "Sir, nice to meet you. I am Mu Yuexin, a graduate from…"

"I know." Han Boyaung replied as he blew a smoke ring towards her right side.

"..." Such a scene, she never thought these mighty CEOs would do. Mu Yuexin looked down at the desk and tried to avoid the smoke that was thrown at her.

"Miss Van, Do you know for what reason I have asked you to come here to give an interview?" Secretary Fan suddenly asked.

"No, sir." Mu Yuexin denied but she realised that the matter must be a complicated one that they needed to close the door of the room. Mu Yuexin glanced at the CEO and then at his secretary.

The secretary slowly strolled into the room. At the same time he narrated seriously, "From childhood, our CEO's first son was very unruly and of immoral character. Because of his bad conduct, the CEO sent him to boarding school but that didn't work. So with no other choice, he had to send him abroad."

Mu Yuexin was heavily invested in his words as if she was hearing some story from a book.

"But some months ago, he came back. And began to wreak havoc in the company." Secretary Fan sighed as if he was greatly troubled by this situation.

'Ah?! How could he do it?! Just beat the crap out of him!' Mu Yuexin thought as she had a thousand questions on her head.

"Am I supposed to work for him?" She asked cautiously.

"Yes and also no. You will work for us and your job is to stay with him as much as possible and report every movement to us." Secretary Fan stopped behind her and finally disclosed their intentions.

'This…' Mu Yuexin was hesitant.'Something feels fishy…'

"Of course to agree or not, it's all up to you. We know this is a tricky matter and that's why the CEO personally wanted to meet you and that's the reason why you were brought here." As Han Fan said, he slowly took out a pocket knife.

Even though his face was angelic and people would easily fall for his gentlemanly aura, the thing he was holding was too deadly for a certain someone.

Han Boyaung's lips went up in an ugly smile as he detected Han Fan's movements. Suddenly Mu Yuexin felt all the hair on her body standing on their edge. She rubbed her hands.

'This feels dangerous.' She thought further, 'I am not the perfect choice for this kind of thing. There are more skilled people out there so why me?'

"You must be thinking why we chose you, correct?" Mu Yuexin subconsciously nodded her head at Han Fan's words. When she realized she hurriedly shook her head and then again nodded her head with a shy look.

"We have chosen many candidates but you are the only one left. In the past we also sent some people to keep him under check but those people, knowing that he was the eldest young master of the Han family, tried to get entangled with him and betrayed us."

'Oops!' Mu Yuexin felt it was quite understandable that those women would do it.

Secretary Fan played with the knife calloused fingers and said, "If you agree to our request, both of us will benefit."

Secretary Fan finally put an end to his words and waited for Mu Yuexin's decision. The girl on the other hand was troubled. 'It is spying. They are telling me to spy on the CEO's son!'

Mu Yuexin looked up and saw the old man who was still smoking without a care of the world. She also got a tutorial of his great character. Mu Yuexin clenched her dress with her hands and thought, 'If the Father is like this then the son couldn't be better.'

She had a firm look as she looked at the CEO and then at the secretary Fan. In the next moment she stood up and bought at the old man, the CEO.

"I refuse!"

'There Is no way I will take this hot potato, even if I love money I don't want my life to become messy. I'm not his mom who would take care of a grown up man all the time.' Mu Yuexin thought and felt what she did was correct.

Secretary Fan exposed the knife and stood very close to Mu Yuexin's back. With a gentle and soothing voice he whispered, "Don't you want to reconsider your decision?"

"No." Mu Yuexin stood firmly on her ground and refused again.

As Secretary Fan approached her neck, he whispered, "Well, it's a pity but the pay will be 1000…"

'Qian?! So low!' Mu Yuexin frowned. Even though she rejected the proposal she felt she just became a fool by coming here until…

"Dollar… "

"What?!" Mu Yuexin widened her eyes.

"1000 dollars." After Secretary Fan finished, he smiled viciously. His thumb rubbed the tip of the short knife as he added, "If you agree Miss Van, we are willing to pay you 1000$ a month…

"I am willing!" Mu Yuexin shouted hurriedly.

"..." Han Boyaung was dumbfounded by the speed of how she changed her face. It was the first time he witnessed someone could do this without being ashamed!

Secretary Fan smiled knowingly. He put the knife back in his pocket and thought, 'As expected, money can buy everything, even people.'

Mu Yuexin on the other hand felt a little conflicted, 'It's one thousand! For this money, I am willing to enter hell, less than spying on someone!'

Mu Yuexin felt she could take on this job. If something went wrong, she would still have the great CEO's back! So nothing was preventing her from agreeing.

Without knowing, on that day, Mu Yuexin returned from the death's door and at the same time sealed her fate.

As Secretary Fan told her, she picked up the envelope. As she picked out some papers, she realized that it was a contract. Mu Yuexin glanced at Secretary Fan and saw the other person nodding at her to read it.

As Mu Yuexin complied, her eyes paused on a thing out of everything.

[Clause F: If party B gets entangled with party A's sons romantically, she will have to compensate 100,000$...]