33 Work: Play Games

33 Work: Play Games

"Did you have a spring dream? Why are you looking so tired?!" Li Yi blinked her eyes and spoke with a playful look. 

Mu Yuexin grunted and replied, "Nothing. Anyway, I am going to my new job! Babe, wish me luck!"

"Good luck!" Li Yi gave her a thumbs up. Mu Yuexin got ready while she took her sweet time. 

After she saw a perfectly prepared self, she nodded. Mu Yuexin took her handbag and went to the Han Corporation. 

In the HR department of the Han Corporation.

Mu Yuexin went inside and found the nearby person, "Hello, I am the new assistant assigned to the general manager. Can you tell me where his office is?"

"General manager?" The person examined Mu Yuexin carefully and pointed in one direction. "That is the office."

"Thanks." Mu Yuexin said and then walked in front of the General Manager's office. She did not know that the moment she mentioned the general manager many people put their attention on her.


After getting permission, Mu Yuexin gently pushed the door and slowly walked in. When Mu Yuexin closed the door, some people stood up and went in front of the general manager's office. 

One of the employees murmured, "Will it be the same case? Will she come out crying or sobbing or enraged?"

"She looks like a gentle type with her eyeglasses, a softie? I bet on crying!" Another new intern replied.

"I bet on sobbing!" 

"Nah, she will be enraged!..."

One by one all of them bet about what could happen with Mu Yuexin. In the past few days, the company had assigned one assistant then another for Ethan Han but after they would enter, they would come out either crying, sobbing, or enraged. 

After that time, they would never see them again. All of them guessed that something was very fishy going on in the general manager's office! All kinds of speculation were going on from that moment. 

On the other hand, Mu Yuexin was quite excited and nervous about her new task. After Mu Yuexin entered the general manager's office, she did not see the man. 

"Sir?" Mu Yuexin murmured and noticed an attached room. As she walked in front of it, she heard something and stopped suddenly in her tracks.

"Don't... Kill it…" 

Mu Yuexin was quite shocked. Before entering she put her ear on the door and became more baffled.

"Stab it deeper… Yes, just like that."

Mu Yuexin stepped back in fear. She heard a deep voice, groans and other things and that made her not enter this room. Without thinking twice, Mu Yuexin turned around and ran away. 

The employees who were waiting outside, hurriedly tried to hide their faces when she came out. Contrary to their disappointment, she looked terrified and nervous. 

All the employees who were waiting to see her reaction were confused. But soon they had to go back to their seat because the feisty senior of the HR department would arrive at any moment.

After running out of the HR department, Mu Yuexin halted in the public corridor. She was scared to go back and fumbled, "What am I supposed to do right now?!"

It looked as if the man was in the process of doing something illegal. When she was in a dilemma, the lift which was on the same floor suddenly opened. 

Han Boyaung, Han Fan and many other people suddenly walked into the corridor. Seeing Mu Yuexin, both of them stopped in their tracks for only a second. 

When Mu Yuexin saw them coming, she hurriedly bowed at them in silence.

They ignored her existence and left without giving her a single look. 

'I forgot, I can't back away from this deal.' Mu Yuexin felt bitter. She had to come back for the sake of money and the agreement she signed.

When she entered the HR department again, she saw all the employees were in their respective places, dead seriously working. She went straight to the general manager's office but this time no one gave her an extra look. 


As Mu Yuexin entered, the bare back of a man in the distance greeted her. For a moment she was shocked to see some cut marks on his body and of course his bulging muscles. 

She felt her cheeks going red in shame. As Mu Yuexin moved her eyes on the floor, she thought, 'Crap! I entered without knocking.'

Thus, Mu Yuexin wanted to leave and knock again but the man who was standing in the distance had already noticed her existence and suddenly asked, "Who?"

"Ah, I…" Mu Yuexin realized it was too late to leave now and thus, she firmly entered and closed the door. 

She looked at the floor and explained simply, "Hello, sir. I am Mu Yuexin. Your new intern assistant."

After she spoke, the room became silent and for a long time, no one spoke. As Mu Yuexin felt sore on her waist from bowing, she straightened up without the other person's permission.

However, the next moment she was met with a smirking man who was half naked. Ethan Han was quite surprised at first and then he said kike a hooligan, "Flat chest, we met again."

"Eh?! Pervert?!" Mu Yuexin blurted out and realised her blunder. She hurriedly hid her mouth and awkwardly laughed. 

"Ahh!" Mu Yuexin was shocked as he came very close to her and lifted her face to examine. But watching his seductive smile which was teasing her and the proximity of his masculine body, Mu Yuexin blushed heavily. 

Ethan Han raised his eyes and thought, 'You can also become shy?'

Mu Yuexin stepped back in shock. When he touched her chin she felt as if an electric wave flowed through her whole back. Forgetting that he had just called her flat chest, she spoke with red cheeks, "Sir, I am your new assistant, an intern recruited with the new batch of interns."

"Oh." Ethan Han suddenly lost interest after hearing her. He went back to his seat and examined her carefully, from up to bottom, from left to right.

"Well, sir, then what should I do?" Mu Yuexin asked as she stood in front of his desk. 

"Games." Ethan Han muttered with a playful smile.

"What?" Mu Yuexin felt she had misheard something. At the same time she cursed in her mind, 'How can there be such coincidences?! How in the world did he turn out to be my boss?!'

Never had she thought that the man she had lectured once would become her object of spying, not to say both of them seemed to despise each other. 

Ethan Han saw her fair neck which was moving ever so gently and quivered from time to time. Also the fact that she was trying to avoid his bare self made him interested in teasing her more and more. 

"Flat chest, you have to play games and nothing else." Ethan Han explained. He had a doting look in his blue eyes but the woman failed to notice. 

Mu Yuexin did not know if he was being serious or not, nonetheless, she answered back obediently, "Yes, sir." 

"Then why are you standing here?! Go to a Cafe, play games and bring your report to me." Ethan Han said as he patted the top of her head.

"You must be joking, sir. How can I?!" Mu Yuexin whispered exaggeratedly.

However the response she got in return was, him dragging her out of the room and telling her to go to a nearby PlayStation to play games which Mu Yuexin could not do. 

Thus, in the HR department, whoever passed by the General Manager's office would see her standing in front of the door, not moving from her place an inch. 

Ethan Han, who regarded this boring office as one of his dens, took a shower after his meditation to calm his mind.  

His blue eyes moved towards the door whose opposite, a girl was standing without moving. Because the glass was one way through, only he could see others but others couldn't pry in his affairs.

Ethan Han's smile withered when he noticed a man had come to Mu Yuexin and the two were speaking. His eyes took in her expressions which became quite relaxed when that person came over.

Ethan frowned and after he was done wearing his suit, he moved towards the door.

"... Hahaha! You are so good at making jokes. How can manager Han not give you a hard time?! Miss Mu, why don't you sit somewhere? Don't you feel tired standing here?" Wo Lin, a male employee asked enthusiastically, his voice was filled with distress for this new intern who was getting bullied by their CEO's devil son. 

"Brother Lin, I am fine." Mu Yuexin retorted with an awkward smile. 

At that moment, the agreement she had signed on looked clearly a trap! There was no way she could pay that amount and thus firmly grasping Ethan Han's assistant position was a must. 

Even if she had to let him call her flat chest, poor or scammer, anything else was okay as long as she could work under his shade!