47 Ghost!

47 Ghost!

Right after realizing the advantages of being the only one in the whole company, Mu Yuexin broke the boundary of the HR department and went to the Finance department, Marketing department and CEO Secretariat which were close.

She found the printers in those places. In no time four printers began to work for her simultaneously and she in a cheerful mood dragged a leather chair beside the printer of the HR department and rested on it while chatting with Li Yi.

[I won't leave the company tonight.] - Mu Yuexin

[Why?! We are already here to pick you up.] - Li Yi

[I have unfinished work to do…] - Mu Yuexin

[Fine! Do you want me to send you some takeouts?] - Li Yi

[Thanks in advance!...] - Mu Yuexin

[ … ] - Li Yi

After a while, Mu Yuexin had to go down to pick up the take out when the delivery man called.

After she received her things, she turned around to get inside yet someone suddenly came and spoke behind her.

"Hey, you newbie! Stop!" The chief guard said loudly.

Mu Yuexin had to pause in her place when she heard the sound coming from behind. As she turned around she saw a man walking towards her with a ferocious expression.

She felt he was coming to beat her up?!

'He is wearing the security guard's uniform. But what's up with his expression?! Is he a thug or guard?!'

Mu Yuexin felt bad intentions coming from him and did not think staying there would be a good option.

She turned back towards the inside of the empty company and dashed inside like a rabbit chased by a predator.

"Hey, woman! Stop! What about the security dog?! Where is it?!"

The chief guard shouted behind Mu Yuexin but she did not stop in her tracks even when she heard about the dog. Rather she turned her head and mocked him by showing her tongue!

"That dog is a trained breed. It is clear that someone did not have good intentions and lured it against Li Yi and Li Feng! I won't return it even if you beg me!"

Mu Yuexin yelled at the man as she entered the lift at the fastest speed possible.

Also, she and the Li siblings quite liked the dog and if possible wanted to keep it to herself~

She even thought of talking with Secretary Fan if possible regarding this issue.

The chief guard wanted to chase after Mu Yuexin but he remembered a certain someone's warning.

``Don't trouble her again. You will lose more than just a simple job.``

The chief guard stopped following Mu Yuexin and saw as the lift's door closed. He was in a great dilemma as someone told him to cause trouble for Mu Yuexin and another warned him against it.

Past midnight.

The chief guard greeted the man who appeared out of nowhere and was radiating dangerous vibes.

Ethan Han entered the company and stopped in the middle of the ground floor. His blue eyes swept around this huge place however rather than admiration his eyes wanted to destroy this place to dust.

In an eerily silent place, he walked through the corridor of the floor where the HR department was.

Unlike usual, he was not wearing his black sunglasses and those pairs of blue eyes were redder than usual.

Before reaching his destination, another department entered his vision. He shot a cold look at the nameplate of the CEO's office.

After an hour, he pushed the glass door of the HR department and stepped inside but his eyes paused on the figure at one side.

His red eyes finally relaxed a little but that was not enough to deem it was normal.

'She is still here?' Ethan Han thought as he had nearly forgotten about her.

Watching her humming a song, drinking coffee while putting stacks of papers on a chair, playing with the rotatable chair beside the machine, a forced smile appeared on his face.

If it was another time he would have walked ahead to play with her emotions however he couldn't at the moment as he had more important things to do.

Ethan Han bypassed her by the corridor but she didn't notice him as most of the area was dark; all because of her as she turned off the lights to save electricity.

"Those printers must have already done copying the papers." Mu Yuexin guessed and left the HR department to go to the CEO Secretariat.

After counting countless times those 2000 copies, finally, she yawned and put them in her desk drawer. She felt quite proud as she achieved this feat within a short time.

"So many hours are left. What am I supposed to do now?" Mu Yuexin murmured. After finishing her task, finally, she realized that the company was too cold and deserted.

Even though she did not want to imagine it, her mind went against her wishes by imagining countless types of ghosts when she was sorting out her bag.

"Hehe! Ghosts don't exist! They are myths!... They don't exist…" Mu Yuexin chanted as she tried to make herself comfortable in her seat to spend the night in the general manager's office.

Ting~ Ting! Ting! Ting!

Suddenly as Mu Yuexin was trying to brainwash herself into thinking that everything was okay and she could sleep the night here, something metallic fell on the ground and made a huge noise.

"Who… who is there?! Come out!" Mu Yuexin stared at the attached room but the place became quiet again.

But Mu Yuexin could not calm down when she recalled that the general manager's office and the attached room had a floor mat and one inch of the floor was not exposed.

"How could there be any sound then… " Mu Yuexin's lips trembled as she whispered. She clutched her bag tightly and slowly walked towards the attached room.

With a pen in her right hand, she inched towards the room with vigilance.


"Woah! Ghost!"

However, the second time she heard that familiar noise, with a frightened cry, she ran away from the general manager's office.

Ethan Han glanced at his hand and then at the mug he had dropped for the second time. He frowned and tried to pick it up but every time his hand only grabbed air and nothing else.

He hissed and rubbed his forehead in the washroom, "The alcohol was surprisingly strong…"

Watching Mu Yuexin running out of the elevator, the first thought that came inside the chief guard's head was to block her path and he did as well.

However, there was no need for it as Mu Yuexin stopped before him by her own initiative. She tried to breathe hard and spoke to the chief guard, "Ghost! There is a ghost!"

"Ghosts?!" The chief guard was confused and felt his heart beating loudly. Even if he was an experienced man he also felt emotions like fear and doubt.

"What happened?! Explain!" The chief guard spoke louder in fear too.

"It's like something metallic fell on the floor and made noises but there are carpets everywhere… That's why I felt there was something suspicious! The sound even came from the attached room!"

Mu Yuexin explained and wanted to run away. She did not want to enter this dangerous place at night anymore!

The chief guard guessed what might have happened. He shrugged and said indifferently, "It's better to go back in case you are scared…"

"You think so? It's my thoughts too! Goodbye then!" Mu Yuexin waved at the man who was in front of her and tried to leave but the man didn't let her go.

He still blocked her path and looked down at her. Mu Yuexin gazed upwards and asked in confusion, "Brother, leave my way? I have to leave!"

"Sister, you can go wherever you want but first tell me, where is Liona?!" The chief guard nearly begged Mu Yuexin when he asked.

That was the treasured dog of their security team and without it, they couldn't do certain security checks which was dangerous!

"Liona?" Mu Yuexin repeated that she did not know anyone or anything with this name.

"The dog… that you took… remember?" The chief guard rubbed the back of his head as he tried to explain.

Watching Mu Yuexin's expression which seemed like she had finally gotten the hang of the matter, he was relieved.

"Miss, that dog is extremely important. It's even licensed under this company. If you don't return it, you can't explain if something goes wrong… it's also very expensive!" The chief guard tried to convince Mu Yuexin with all his might.

"Is that so? In that case, I will return it soon." Mu Yuexin nodded. Her obedience cooled down the chief guard's restlessness.

"Let me help you to get a taxi." The chief guard became extremely friendly afterwards. He hired a taxi online for Mu Yuexin and watched her leaving in one piece. His change in attitude surprised Mu Yuexin quite a lot.