67 Touching His Jewels... Accidentally!

67 Touching His Jewels... Accidentally!

When Ethan Han and others were entering the cars to leave for the casino, Mu Yuexin went behind them, "Sir! You…"

"You can take a taxi and go back." Ethan Han said without looking at her.

"Ah, isn't this Miss Mu! Lady, do you want to come with us?" Van Alroy appeared in front of her and smiled. But in her eyes, that smile was vulgar and full of hidden intentions!

'This man, I remember! He wanted to know information about Li Yi! Did they meet here?!' Mu Yuexin pondered and by the time all the men except Van Alroy had already entered the cars. 

"Sir, we are getting late!" Nathan said to Van who was standing with Mu Yuexin. 

Van Alroy looked down and suggested, "Lady, do you perhaps want to come with us?"

"Ah…" Mu Yuexin woke up from her thoughts and asked, "Where?"

"Casino. Van, don't invite her. She has nothing to do there." Ethan Han broke into their conversation and said.