76 Yuexin Is Dying?!

76 Yuexin Is Dying?!

Was being an orphan a crime?! She got discriminated against when she went to find part-time jobs while she was still in the orphanage and underaged. 

When people knew she was an orphan, they were reluctant to give her a job. Only when they would see her academic qualifications, would they agree to hire her. 

She guessed that was the reason why people were reluctant to rent their apartments to her. She was not married and a single woman and these things were factors that worked against her favor every single time. 

Now that she was thinking of returning the 6000$ to Han Fan, let alone an apartment, she feared that it would be difficult to even find a room to live in with the money she could afford!

Mu Yuexin grabbed her head and contemplated, 'Did Ethan expose it? Or why people would know I am living with Wo Lin?!'