78 I will compensate you with six hundred thousand…

78 I will compensate you with six hundred thousand…

Ethan Han had no words to refute him as he had no rich experience in such circumstances, unlike Van Alroy who had the record of convincing a woman to sleep with him right after an hour of knowing each other. 

In short, in their mafia, Boss Ethan was a loser who still had his virginity intact, and Boss Van was an all-rounder playboy who would give women the pleasure and thrill they want, a stallion in one word.

The two had traits that were polar opposite but still, they could stay together and work like friends who meant more than brothers to each other.

Van Alroy's words gave some realization to Ethan Han and he felt he could not wait for her to agree with him or he would become her babysitter and more. 

He threw Van out of his car and drove in front of Mu Yuexin. The girl, however, ignored him like he did not exist.