80 "I ate your woman…"

80 "I ate your woman…"

"Sir, someone is trying to kill me. We need to call the police and hurry up!" Mu Yuexin shook Ethan Han's hand and said anxiously. 

"Trying to kill you? Who, where?" Ethan Han asked in confusion and raised his eyes. Mu Yuexin pointed her finger while looking back.

"There ..." However there was no one behind her. She gazed at Ethan Han and then again looked back.

"Someone was chasing me with a knife. Did not you see him?!" Mu Yuexin lowered her hands and asked in confusion, 'Such a big man, he did not see?!' 

"Girl, are you in your right mind?" Ethan Han asked her as he touched her on the head. Even though he was doing that just to annoy her, when he felt her burning forehead, he froze.

"You are running a fever." Ethan whispered and grabbed her hand, "You will wither like this. Come with me."