92 Bloody Hell

92 Bloody Hell

Mu Yuexin went to check the apartments that very day, found a good one of her choice, and expressed her thoughts to the owner. She told him she wanted to sign a one-year contract with the owner.

But when the owner came back, he looked at Mu Yuexin weirdly and waved his hand, "I can't rent it to you."

"Why not?" Mu Yuexin stood up from the bed and asked incredulously.

"Can't means can't. Don't ask so many questions." The owner pushed her out of the apartment and left after locking it. Mu Yuexin clenched her hand and went to check other properties as well. 

But every time they would go out to make an agreement, she did not know what went wrong but they would come back and say they wouldn't rent their apartments. 

It went like this four times already and in the end, she found herself in the middle of the street.

"Just why…" She whispered with a sullen face.