104 Pregnant?

104 Pregnant?

Ethan Han looked at Van Alroy who was only wearing short pants and frowned. Van Alroy was enjoying the little confrontation between Miss Mu and his Boss. 

Yet suddenly a kick came towards him at an incredible speed. Mu Yuexin was startled and saw as Van evaded Ethan's sudden kick. 

"Boss, what did I do?!" Van Alroy asked exasperatedly. 

Ethan Han pointed at his lower body and said in a deep voice, "Why are you wearing so little?"

Van Alroy finally realized what caused Ethan to suddenly attack him. He shrugged and said, "I stay like this most of the time…"

Ethan Han looked at Mu Yuexin who was staring at them in silence. When their eyes met, she snorted and looked away. 

Ethan Han didn't like the idea that she would be seeing another man's body. He pointed at the entrance and told Van Alroy, "If you don't dress properly, then you can't stay in my apartment."