112 Meeting Grandpa Han

112 Meeting Grandpa Han

"Sir, the road to the company is the right one…" Mu Yuexin said when Ethan Han suddenly went to a different track than the road which leads to the Han Corporation. 

"We are not going to the company." Ethan Han replied. Mu Yuexin did not ask where they were going, after all, she would know when they would reach the destination.

However, when she saw the Han Mansion, age became flustered. She followed Ethan Han inside the property however the man did not enter the front building, rather he went to the back mansion.

The moment they entered the building, they saw an old man who was sitting on a sofa while his right hand rested on a cane. 

'The president?' Mu Yuexin guessed who he could be and became less vigilant. 'He is Uncle Bo's friend.'