138 To The Rescue!

 138 To The Rescue!

"Who are you?!" Ethan Han suddenly grabbed the woman's hand and forced her to sit on the bed. 

"AHH!" The woman was scared out of her mind. Who would not get scared if they were forced out from their sleep in their room when the whole apartment should have been empty?!

Ethan Han saw as the woman began to shiver as if she had seen a ghost! He looked at her and asked again, "Where is Mu Yuexin?!"

'Yuexin?!' The woman finally stopped shivering and took a good look at Ethan Han. Judging from the man's handsome face, she guessed he could not be a thief. 

"You thief!" The woman picked up the pillow and threw it at the man. Ethan Han caught the pillow in one motion and then threw it back at the woman as well. He was not merciful at all with this 'creature' however, Mu Yuexin was the exception.