142 Aggressive Li Yi 

142 Aggressive Li Yi 

"Paradise? You are joking, right?!" Van Alroy nearly lost control over his emotions and said, "I should have put the tracker on her a long time ago! I have searched the whole ship but she is not here, neither did we find Mu Yuexin…"

Ethan Han looked at Li Yi who was opposite of him, sitting on the ground and nudging the bonfire. He offered her his phone and Li Yi took it after a short pause. 

She glanced at the name on the screen and spoke out in a low voice so as not to disturb Mu Yuexin's sleep.

"...Van?" Li Yi whispered. 

The moment Van Alroy heard Li Yi's voice, he was stunned. He asked with disbelief, "Lily?! You… you are with Boss?!"

"Hm." Li Yi responded vaguely and threw some dry leaves in the bonfire at the same time. 

"Where are you now?!" Van Alroy asked with impatience as he hurriedly began to walk towards the helicopter parked in the open space of the ship.