156 False Alarm... Again?

156 False Alarm... Again?

Li Wo Lin glanced at him sharply and said, "Chief Kai, the friend of mine, you will hear about him from the state super superintendent."

That was enough to make him shut up. If the state superintendent would tell him personally, then that person was something they couldn't disclose the identity to the public.

"Miss Mu, for the moment please stay in Ming city. It's better if you don't leave, there can be other matters which will need your presence." Kai Jin stated. 

"I don't think I will leave the city anytime soon. Thank you, chief." Mu Yuexin bowed and then turned to Li Wo Lin.

"Let's go." Li Wo Lin smiled. After they had walked out from the police station, Mu Yuexin looked at his back and asked.

"Brother Lin, I want to resume my work from today." 

"Go ahead. Your superior won't dare to fire you anyway." Li Wo Lin replied. Then both of them went to the Sky Li Corporation.