161 How To Take Care Of A Baby 

161 How To Take Care Of A Baby 

Ethan went back to the Shadow Group. The woman had no intention of taking care of their child but that didn't mean that he would. 

Ethan Han got back to Grandpa Alexander. As he stood before the old man, he said, "I will take care of the child."

"You sure you can?" Grandpa asked back. The old man had no intention to give his great-grandchild to Ethan who didn't even do anything to that woman despite knowing she had 'abandoned' his child. 

"I will. If necessary I will hire a nanny. Moreover, grandpa, my side is safer than staying beside you. If your rivals know about her existence, her life will be in danger…" Ethan Han added. 

That was also the reason why Alexander McCassian had brought the child. He could have just let anyone take care of the baby girl and his grandson didn't need to know, that was for the best yet he knew if something happens to him, Sarah's life would be in danger.