163 Baby Sarah's Ducky~

163 Baby Sarah's Ducky~

Shadow Group, one of the best and low-key companies in the country. Anyone who couldn't survive this ordeal, only death awaits them.

As expected, when Ethan left his office room, the men who had no joyous emotions greeted him. In those eyes, only depression, despair, and vulnerability were present.

He ignored all of them and went to the ground floor. Soon he reached the 2nd floor of the underground basement where all the shady and illegal things were done.

Ethan Han walked while leaving many rows of rooms behind. All of those were locked from the outside, and some people were inside for who knew how long they had spent there. 

From brutal criminals to policemen, from doctors to killers… All kinds of people who dared to threaten his position were locked here, and they would stay here until they would face the end of their lifetime.

"No! Don't touch me! I don't want to change my face. Please!"