167 To Forget The Pain, Working In Orphanage.

167 To Forget The Pain, Working In Orphanage.

Would it be fun to not play with the prey first? Currently, she needed some fresh humans to do some experiments!

Ethan Han tapped his fingers on the armrest and spoke with a cold face, "There is always a reason for which you will cut the price…" 

The man leaned forward and took out a photo from his pocket. Then he placed it in front of Nic. The latter's face immediately changed into disgust. Endless murderous intent began to spread around the place. 

"The man who destroyed your family and made you a criminal scientist. Say… if I kill him and bring his corpse for you…" Ethan Han didn't need to finish the whole thing.

Nic lifted his dark eyes and whispered back, "One hundred million if you do this. If you kill his family and bring the corpses for me… then it will be completely free."