179 Kidnapping of Mu Yuexin 

179 Kidnapping of Mu Yuexin 

In the meantime, Mu Yuexin picked up her belongings from the hotel. Then she got in a taxi and was set for the train station. 

The trip would have been perfect only if her things weren't stolen! 

She was not familiar with Pei city, thus she didn't realise that the driver was going in a completely different direction from her destination. 

After making that drastic turn the man looked at her from the rearview mirror. However, Mu Yuexin was completely nonchalant as she was totally unaware of the anomaly. The driver smiled and looked ahead.

He raised his hand and turned on the air freshener. Mu Yuexin smelled the orange scent in the air and because of the refreshing feeling, she smelled it twice. 

However, it did not take long for her to notice something. Mu Yuexin frowned as she rubbed her forehead. 

'Why am I feeling sleepy?!' She murmured and suspiciously rubbed her forehead.