[192 Her Decision]

[192 Her Decision]

"Sir," Keri stared at Ethan's back who was leaning against a pillar and staring at the night sky. She looked down at the floor and whispered in a docile attitude. 

Ethan looked at the woman who was acting weak. He frowned and replied, "your work is over."

"... What?" Keri was confused and lifted her head, looking at Ethan in confusion. Nathan went forward and handed her a check. Seeing the string of five zeroes after one, Keri's eyes widened. 

"You will return to where you belong. Never appears in front of my child, that's the amount of compensation I believe is enough to keep your mouth shut." Ethan said coldly. He was the one to keep a fake mother beside his daughter and he would be the very person to remove it as well. 

He also saw the face which resembled Yuexin so much. As if he was eager to remove his dark history, he added, "Go to Ely in Shadow Group. Remove the plastic surgery of your face."