War Hammer from Hell.

The thin twig's tip reached Hohn's jaw, a drop of blood flowed down the twig and reached Hohn's fist. Hohn looked down before pulling its neck further away from the twig but that did not help.

Hime had turned the branch into a twig that was thin and hard and soft. Hohn tightened its grip on the twig.

Hime and Hohn, both grunted. Hitori was frustrated that he could not do anything but just sit there and watch as Hime's twig entered Hohn's jaw at a snail's speed.

"Do it… get it, Hime," Hitori muttered with a frown on his face.

"I am trying, Ryu-Kun…" she replied in a groan.

Hime raised her hand and pushed it forward. The roots left the hammer and erupted from the ground.

Hohn noticed the movement. It groaned as it gripped the twig tightly. Hohn moved its head forward with a tight frown.

"ArghghHH!!!" Its groan turned into a scream as the vine that held Hohn's arm snapped into two.