The Joy of Living Dangerously. 

Kamiya took heavy breaths. Reon noticed him panting over the air, she turned around and grabbed Kamiya by his shoulders.

"Kamiya, Oi, Kamiya," she pulled his straight.

Kamiya grunted and groaned. He raised his hand and grabbed Reon's shoulder to take support.

Kamiya had grabbed his chest tightly and was choking on his own words multiple times.

"Kamiya, get a hang of yourself…" she muttered while examining Kamiya anxiously.

Kamiya opened his teary eyes. The same glimpse of the forearms full of scars flashed in front of him. He heard his sister's painful moans and screams till she lost her energy to shout and gave up.

He recalled how he was beaten to almost death by Kuzu and his men. They cracked open his jaw, then smashed his head on the wall.

Kamiya slid down against the wall, a bold red line appeared on the wall as Kamiya sat on the ground.


Kuzu swung his leg professionally and knocked Kamiya to the ground. Blood and saliva poured out like crazy.