Prepare for the Battle

Kuzu watched till Hitori, Reon, and Kamiya entered the clone– now the lab dungeon– and disappeared.

Then Kuzu turned around with a click on his tongue, "we will meet in a few minutes," Kuzu told Uragi.

Uragi raised his hand to stop Kuzu but all he did was watch as Kuzu exited the courtyard.

As soon as Kuzu walked out of the courtyard, he logged out and woke up in his chair. He opened his eyes slowly and stared at the dark ceiling.

Kuzu sighed, 'everything is going according to my plan.' He thought as he pulled his head from his chair's headrest.

Kuzu decided to pull out another cigarette from his metallic cigarette case. He tapped his cigarette's end twice and the tip lit. Kuzu took a small smoke in and blew it out like a kid blowing bubbles.

Kuzu got himself together and tapped his keyboard– a digital one. He brought his cigarette near the table, a cigarette stand popped out. Kuzu dropped his cigarette on the stand and started typing something.

The message he typed read…