The Last Peace

Kuzu stood in front of a big door that read: Onogi Masao. After knocking twice, Kuzu entered the room. 

Kuz searched around the corners first before turning to the empty ten feet long table in front of him. Kuzu turned his eyes to the balcony. 


"Ah, yeah, take a seat." Masao tapped the end of his cigarette and it went out. Masao took a swift turn from the balcony and pressed a button to close down the glass doors. 

Then, Masao walked to his table where Kuzu had taken a seat. Masao did not look in Kuzu's eyes till he placed his cigarette in a holder. 

"Would you like to smoke?" Masao jumped in his seat.

"Ah, no, sir." Kuzu shook his head hesitantly. 

Masao was about to place his order on a tab when he stopped. "Something to drink?" 

"No, sir."

"Are you sure? We have a guest coming soon."