Rotten Mind Versus Ryu

Since he won the first round, he was free to head home. The sled was ready for him outside the gates. 

No one approached him after his fight. Senso and Mono wanted to but Hitori disappeared before they could catch him. Other students prayed they never had to fight with an angry bull like him, the top students were confused about his appearance. 

He did not exist at school but then suddenly, he beats the shit out of Bijutsu Budo, one of the best martial artists in the school, and walk out like nothing ever happened.

The teachers corrected his locket, he was happy but sad that he let someone do that to his locket. No one was supposed to even lay a hand on it. He was supposed to act before anyone could touch the locket. 

When he reached home, it was evening and the cold breeze was coming back to the city of Tokyo. Hitori went to the house's backside and lightened the furnace to keep the house warm.