A Week Later

A week later Hitori and Kamiya both fought four fights. Hitori won three of them, and Kamiya won two of them. The person who beat Hitori was from the top three, it was time for the fourth spot holder to fight one from the top three. 

To meet his expectations, the second spot holder was an experienced wizard, he knew how to use spells and when. Although he could only use fire and water without a wand, he used his skills to beat Hitori. 

So after forty fights in seven days, they had their top fifty students. Hitori and Kamiya managed to hold their position in the top ten, if not top five. 

The students were supposed to gather in the hall for a meeting whose agenda was: Year-End Expedition.

Just as they had agreed, Hitori and Kamiya walked into the hall together at seven o'clock evening. They took seats at the back, waiting for the meeting-- more like a speech-- to start. 

"How is Akemi-san holding up?"