The Ancient Red Dragon Slayer

Kamiya was spared. Any more pain and the tentacle would have crushed him, it had squeezed him try anyway, the electricity from the previous attack was still left in the tentacle and that flowed to Kamiya's body. 

Hitori was leaning on the shore but the katana had sunk into the water and so was the A-Grade monster they had killed. 

Kamiya closed his eyes and let his body fall back without caring. He was low on stamina and energy, he had mana, but he could not free himself from the tentacle. He believed Hitori would cut the tentacle and free him. 

Suddenly, the tentacle around his abdomen tightened, it squeezed the life out of him. He opened his mouth to scream but no voice came, at least he could not hear his own voice. 

An octopus's tentacle moves for an hour after being chopped off, and a Kraken's tentacle has neurons in it that allow the tentacle to move on its own with any signal from Kraken's brain.