But Not Eventually

"I think you should come back," Kakashi replied. "I am taking the boy's body to the building, meet  Eya-nee on the way, and take her with you."

"Uh… she will be safe, right?"

"Of course, why?"

"I… want to take a detour."

"Eh? What do you mean?" 

Senso did not reply. Eya looked at Kakashi and asked, "What is he—?"

"I do not know, he will be alright. Let us head back." Kakashi teleported. 

Eya took a deep breath and turned to face the two bodies. Her heart broke when she saw Kamiya's mangled body, the burn spots on his abdomen, the red wires in his mouth, and his served arms.

She was walking towards Kamiya when her eyes fell on the chopped tree, something glowed. Under the tree was Hitori's wand lying in the snow. 

She changed her path. Hitori's wand had scratches over it, they would be polished by a wand smith, no problem. She squatted and held Hitori's wand in a pinch.