His Room

Hitori dropped his head. He felt strange and angry glares at him from the people standing in Kamiya's front yard. Some were sitting on a wooden chair, while some were standing, some were talking with other relatives, and most were staring at him. 

Hitori held the flowers upright, but kept his head down and watched the ground as he walked down the wooden porch. He was hoping to hear crying and other sorts of moaning, but he didn't. 

The next thought that struck him after entering the house was searching for Eya, Kakashi, or any other teacher. In fact, anyone he knows. Just not Kamiya's ghost or Reon. 

The smell in the house was filled with summer wood essence sticks. Hitori was not quite sure what he was supposed to do, he had never been to a funeral before. Not even his grandparents, they died when he was one.