The Escape

Hitori felt satisfied with he landed the final punch. He did not hold back at all, he gave the best he could with an injured fist, broken jaw, and a throbbing head. He thought he gave his best. 

After what Father said and had done in the past, Hitori knew this man deserves no mercy. The fire punch calmed Hitori's anger, but it left him with a view of reality. 

He staggered away from the body. "Have I killed him?" He looked at Kakashi who was staring at him from the porch. "Teleport," he said, "leave before anyone comes!" he shouted. 

Hitori got to his feet. He grabbed the gun from the stairs, then grabbed the metal box on his way. He stepped on the petrified body as he stretched his hand for Kakashi to grab. 

Eya had a worried expression on her face. Her mouth was slightly open and her eyebrows were lowered. She saw Kakashi was still shocked, so she gave him an electric shock.

"Wake up! We have to teleport!" she said.