Eya released her grip on the handle and opened her mouth to say, "I know that voice…"
She opened the door wide and let Kakashi in. he rubbed his face when he walked inside. Now that he knew Eya knew about the voice, too, his heart was beating faster than before.
Finally someone he could share the horror with. He went to the sofa and took a seat while Eya locked the door behind him. But then he thought that if she knew about the voice, why did not she let him in on it?
Well, he answered himself, for the same reason you were not going to let her in– you thought it was your imagination– she must have thought it was her mind playing games on her.
He clasped his hands and waited for Eya to join in. He raised his eyes from his shoes and looked out through the glass door. He saw the woods and remembered the person behind the house.