Believe Me

Atama was reading the news. The scientist was claiming an assassin was sent to Onogi's house to kill him– the intruder through the fence.

It has been two days since Hitori stormed Onogi's house, Atama was sitting on his chair behind the table. He was looking at the latest news released by the Mage Reporters, and the news set online by the Reporters on the other side. 

He got the newspapers from his men. When he read the title, his heart jumped. No matter how many times he looked at the title, his heart did flip-flops. 

He took a deep breath to calm himself, then touched the temple of his head. A white light glowed around his head, it helped his nerves to calm down. 

He opened his eyes and looked at the heading: Another Massacre at a Wedding Party– is a serial killer on loose? 

He decided to read the mages' news first. So he jumped to the huge-ass paragraph right below the heading and the date.