No Joke

The sun had set, the lamps on each corner of the street were burning, and the shops were out of their sights now, but the summer heat was still making them sweat.

Hitori thought about asking the nerd what was all that about, but he decided that he should first know about the friend waiting for him.

He glanced at Akira, walking like a robot– stiff and rigid– with a cold expression on his face. Hitori had cast a healing spell but he knew Akira was hiding his throbbing head under that poker face.

Hitori turned back to focus on the path as they were approaching the barren lands. He heard Akira sniff, then say, "Are you sure it is okay if we don't hurry?"

Hitori nodded. And replied after taking his time. "Who is this guy actually?"

"A gamer. He said just that, and he is a scientist."

"Wait, he? I thought it was a she…" Imagining Reon. But why would she wait in front of his house? She even has a duplicate key. He shook his head.