A Metallic Hand

No guards waiting for them on the porch, so they dashed to the new elevator. "Do you know how this works?" Akira asked.

Hitori used Explosion to press the elevator's touchpad, and it worked. He broke the touchpad in the process though. Fine. not like they have to take that elevator again. 

By the time they reached, the elevator opened– he was surprised why Onogi had not cut the connection to the elevator. 

Hitori jumped inside the elevator and let Akira inside. "You sure he won't cut the elevator and crush us the same way you crushed his guys?"

"Are you a spy?" Hitori asked as he punched the top button on the elevator. 

"Do not press anything! Do you even know how it works?"

Hitori shrugged as the door closed and the elevator started. "I take action, I will take us out of this situation– if it gets bad, that is."